Artist Statement
My creative practice intricately explores material, scale, technology, and process, delving deeply into the human experience and our relationship with the natural world. I have developed hyper-specific regiments with clear guidelines, which I refer to as my languages. Using these languages has allowed me to articulate narratives that resonate with both my past and present.
Themes of social climate, perception, and environmental sustainability are central to my work, inviting both self-reflection and broader contemplation. By utilizing found materials, I highlight our impact on the planet and breathe new purpose into forgotten objects.
Ultimately, my work reflects my commitment to challenging the complexities of our existence and fostering a greater understanding of our place within the natural world. Through this practice, I give my materials a second chance at life and purpose, encouraging viewers to reconsider the impact they want to leave on our planet.
PEKOE LESLIE is a multi-disciplinary conceptual artist based in Vancouver, Canada. His diverse practice includes painting, sculpture, photography, filmmaking, performance, installation, and land art. PEKOE explores themes of environmental health, social issues, human experience, and self-perception. His use of environmentally controversial materials makes bold statements about our habitat, using natural elements to provoke thought. Known for his large-scale productions, he integrates dramatic soundscapes, locally sourced materials, and site-specific installations.
Notable works by PEKOE include a 120,000 square foot commercial installation in Vancouver and a series of performances where the artist lit himself on fire. He has garnered support from sponsors like Uber, Redbull, Soho House, William F. Whites International Inc., and has collaborated with Emmy award-winning cinematographer Mathias Herndl. PEKOE made his American debut at The Aspen Art Fair in 2024 and has exhibited at the Art Gallery of Alberta, Kimoto Gallery, and Latitude 53 Gallery.